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Facility Name: El Diamante High School

Adult Pools:

# of Concessions: 1
# of Restrooms: 2 (2 men, 2 women)
# of Locker Rooms: 0
# of Pools: 1
# of Lighted Pools 1
# of Contiguous Pools: 0
Width of Pools: 58 ft x 75 ft
Depth of Pools: 4.6 ft-12ft
Largest Seating Capacity (Bleachers): 500
Largest Seating Capacity (Stadium): 0
Practice Lanes (yes/no): yes (13)
Score Board (yes/no): yes
# of Goals and Size: 0
# of Lanes: 13
# of Low Dives: 1
# of High Dives: 1
Sound System (yes/no): yes
# of Parking Spots: school parking lot
Internet Capability (yes/no): no
Wheelchair Accesibility (yes/no): yes
Facility Comments: none

Facility Name: Mt. Whitney High School
Adult Pools:
# of Concessions: 1
# of Restrooms: 2 (2 men, 2 women)
# of Locker Rooms 0
# of Pools: 1
# of Lighted Pools: 1
# of Contiguous Pools: 0
Width of Pools: 75 feet
Depth of Pools: 15 Feet
Largest Seating Capacity (Bleachers): 250
Largest Seating Capacity (Stadium):
©2024 Visalia Convention & Visitors Bureau
P.O. Box 2734 Visalia, CA 93279
112 E Main St, Visalia, CA 93291
(800) 524-0303 : (559) 334-0141
Visitor Center Hours
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm