Travel Updates

We care about the residents, workers, and visitors of Visalia and Tulare County. Our pledge is a shared commitment with you to keep each other healthy.

By following recommended public health guidelines and showing our respect to the people around us, we can minimize the spread of COVID-19 and keep our doors open. Together we will take the precautions necessary for all of us to stay safe.


Update: 11/30/2020: State of California issued a travel advisory recommending that interstate travelers self isolate. Read the advisory HERE.

Update: 6/18/2020: State of California requires face masks to be worn in public locations to deduce the spread of the coronavirus. To read the directive from the state click HERE.  

Update: 5/30/2020

Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks will re-open to the public on Thursday, June 4. Some services will not be available initially so it is recommended that visitors be prepared with food, drinks, and hygiene products like sanitizer. Read more in this press release:  Sequoia & Kings Canyon to reopen June 4

Update: 5/26/2020

Lake Kaweah: Boat launch facilities and day-use recreation areas are open. Use of the Visitor Center, campgrounds, and group picnic shelters is prohibited and the project office remains closed to visitors.

Update: 5/21/2020

Balch Park will be reopening for day use on Friday, May 22, 2020; however, overnight camping will not be permitted at this time.  The fee for day use is $5 per vehicle.

Park patrons will be able to enjoy outdoor hiking and fishing. Spring hours of operation will be observed until May 31: Monday through Friday (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and Saturday and Sunday (8 a.m. - 7 p.m.).  Summer hours begin June 1, with day use being 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Monday through Sunday.

As a reminder we encourage park visitors to bring their own hand sanitizer, drinking water and continue to practice social distancing while visiting the park.

Balch Park is one of eleven County Parks managed by Tulare County Parks & Recreation, a division of the Tulare County General Services Agency.  For more information about Balch Park or the County Parks system, please visit and follow Tulare County Parks& Recreation on Facebook!

Update: 5/15/2020

The USDA Forest Service, Sequoia National Forest (SQF) announced that developed recreation sites will remain closed on the Western Divide Ranger District until May 20, the Hume Lake Ranger District until June 11, and the Kern River Ranger District until May 21. For more information Click here..

Update: 4/29/2020

Currently Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are closed to visitors but are working with federal, state and local health officials to re-open for visitation. Please note that if the parks open, they will look to ensure that safe distancing is maintained. The use of the free NPS app and other digital tools can help with that. For more information go here.

Update: 4/29/2020

Regional Forester Randy Moore issued a Closure Order for all developed recreation sites across all National Forests in the Region.  This closure order is likely to be in place through early May.  Additional details will follow later this week. For current press release click: Sequoia National Forest Update on Recreation During Coronavirus 4-29-2020.

Update: 4/28/2020

Hospitality companies are laying the groundwork for new best practices for health and cleanliness, as they prepare for that time when coronavirus-related travel restrictions are eased and businesses are permitted to reopen. Click here to learn more:

Update: 4/24/2020

The Sequoia National Forest (SQNF) is part of the USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Region. On March 25, 2020, Regional Forester Randy Moore issued a Closure Order for all developed recreation sites across all National Forests in the Region. This Order is effective through April 30, 2020.

This closure excludes trails, trailheads and specific picnic areas, boat launches and staging areas that function as trailheads for dispersed recreation. While these specific areas remain open for use, we recommend complying with local and state guidance and not traveling for your recreation needs.

If you do plan on visiting the SQNF please be aware that: 

·       No trash removal is currently offered – please pack out all trash and waste

·       All toilet facilities are currently closed – please plan accordingly

·       Avoid high-risk activities – law enforcement and search and rescue operations may be limited

·       If an area is crowded, please search for a less occupied location

Update: 4/3/2020

Closure of Sequoia Riverlands Trust: Kaweah Oaks Preserve / Dry Creek Preserve / All SRT properties

Officials with Sequoia Riverlands Trust announced today that due to the COVID-19 virus, all SRT preserves are now CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Reopening date will be announced as soon as possible. For additional information visit their website at

Update: 4/2/2020

Sequoia National Forest:

Officials announced March 26, the temporary closure of developed recreation sites until April 30. 

According to Forest Supervisor, Teresa Benson, the closure includes developed recreation opportunities managed by the Sequoia National Forest, permitted concessionaire California Land Management and the Giant Sequoia National Monument Association, cabin rentals, day-use areas, public restrooms, and other recreation facilities. Refunds for reservations made during the closure period will be issued.  Click here for more information.

Update: 3/25/2020

Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks:

The parks announced the following changes to park operations. Effective immediately, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks will be closed to all park visitors until further notice. California Highway 180 will remain open for pass-through traffic to access Giant Sequoia National Monument and private property. All other roads and parking facilities are temporarily closed. 

Update: 3/24/2020

Train Service through Hanford Station:  Effective today, Amtrak is reducing train services and have closed the stations in Hanford and Fresno. Amtrak San Joaquin is suspending service for six trains: 701, 702, 703, 704, 714 and 717. Please check with Amtrak for further details. 

Update: 3/21/2020

Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park has closed all public facilities effective 3/20/2020 until further notice.

Following guidance from the CDC and recommendations from state and local public health authorities in consultation with NPS Public Health Service officers, all public facilities are now temporarily closed, including park visitor centers, contact stations, lodges, and restaurants.

Park areas that remain open include Redwood Canyon in Kings Canyon and Mineral King Road, South Fork and North Fork areas of Sequoia National Park.

Please see park website for more details. Click here

Update: 3/20/2020

Visit Visalia office staff will shift to remote operations effective today. Staff will be available 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday via phone, email and via our website. We are happy to continue to mail visitor brochures out as requests are received. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Brochures are available at most Visalia Hotels and currently all hotels remain open.

Update: 3/19/2020

Visalia Hotel Operations:

As of today, all Visalia hotels are open for business. Understandabl

  1. Wash Your Hands. Use soap and warm water and wash frequently for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Cover a cough or sneeze. Use your sleeve or a tissue to cover your mouth and wash your hands afterwards.
  3. Don’t Touch. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
  4. Keep your distance. Practice social distancing (6 feet) and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  5. Stay home. If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms like a cough or fever, stay home.
  6. Get Help. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath) call your healthcare provider or local health department.

Should you find yourself feeling ill while in Visalia, here is a sampling of resources available to you:

                Kaweah Delta Hospital

For free COVID-19 assessment by phone, people in Tulare County can call (559) 624-4110 to schedule a phone appointment. Please call your primary care physician first.

                Tulare County Health and Human Services

Residents and Visitors who become ill can dial 211 or (559) 685-5720 to speak with our local health and human services department.

                California Department of Public Health

                Center for Disease Control 

Visit CDC Travel for the latest guidance on travel:

Prevencion COVID 19 Grafico: COVID 19 Prevention Graphic in Spanish

©2025 Visalia Convention & Visitors Bureau
P.O. Box 2734 Visalia, CA 93279
112 E Main St, Visalia, CA 93291
(800) 524-0303 : (559) 334-0141
Visitor Center Hours
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm